Our MCAT Library
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ExamKrackers Biology 1: Molecules (9th ed.)

EK Biology 1 does a good job of covering the basics you need to know for the MCAT, but lacks the depth for people who are learning the material for the first time. Also lacks extensive Biochem content (the 10th edition improves on this), which comprises more than 25% of two sections of the new MCAT. Recommended if you have a moderate to strong base in Biology, as a supplement to a bulkier review book, or if you have little time to study for the MCAT.


Kaplan Biochemistry (2nd ed.)

Probably Kaplan's best book in that they devote an entire unit to covering Biochem, recognizing how pivotal a firm understand of the topic is to doing well on the MCAT. Covers everything you will need to know regarding Biochem on the MCAT, however, its recommended that since Biochem makes up so much of the new MCAT, if you do not understand all of the content in this book that you find other resources to fill knowledge gaps such as KA or EK or some other lighter text/media. The discretes at the end of the chapter are good for content retention, but do not closely mimic discretes on the actual MCAT. This last fact goes for the entirety of Kaplan's 7-subject review set.


The Princeton Review Biochemistry (1st ed.)

The 1st edition Biology and Biochemistry will give you a comprehensive review of the majority of Bio and BC concepts you can expect to have on test day. TPR's standalone Biochemistry books aren't as holistic as this text, so it's recommended you use this book to kill two birds with one stone.


ExamKrackers 1001 Questions in MCAT Biology

Great practice for discretes and to consolidate a lot of that information, however beware of errors. EK 1001s are known for having numerous errors.


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Biomolecules

Great for practice Biochem concepts, and its free! Not very representative of MCAT style questions


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Cells

Reading the passages help reinforce science concepts, as well as reasoning through the questions. Would recommend doing as many as possible, but focus more on their Psyc/Soc section, which is their very best and covers all the terms you need to know on the MCAT. Moreover, KA has separated each section by the AAMC outline of foundational concepts, so defintely use this to gauge how well you understand each concept.


The Princeton Review Biochemistry (2nd ed)

This is the later, standalone Biochemistry text TPR offers. It is not as comprehensive as the combined Bio and BC text offered in the first edition of the book.


ExamKrackers Biology 1: Molecules (10th ed.)

ExamKracker's latest in MCAT preparation, and they do not dissapoint! This is essential if you're cramming for the exam in <60 days, and want to review all the high-yield topics in an efficient manner. They include 24 in chapter lecture problems as well as a 30 minute exam for each lecture. This is the hallmark of EK--they consolidate the concepts by asking you questions that make you think critically, and it works. Biology 1 focuses on the Biochem aspect of the exam, covering Enzymes, Amino Acids, and Genetics and asks great questions to help you memorize and reason through the material.


Kaplan MCAT Biochemistry Review 2018 - 2019

Note from the Author: "Kaplan's MCAT Biochemistry Review 2018-2020 offers an expert study plan, detailed subject review, and hundreds of online and in-book practice questions – all authored by the experts behind the MCAT prep course that has helped more people get into medical school than all other major courses combined."


Chemistry & Organic Chemistry for the MCAT

Blueprint’s Chemistry and Organic Chemistry book gives you all the information you need to master these difficult subjects for the MCAT’s Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems section. Additionally, 12 highly-realistic MCAT-style passages and 180 practice questions are available online, which include thorough explanations that include carefully annotated versions of each passage.


Physics for the MCAT

Blueprint’s MCAT Physics book provides you with all the information you need to master the physics content found on the MCAT’s Chemical and Physical Foundations section. Additionally, 10 highly-realistic MCAT-style passages and 150 practice questions are available online, which include thorough explanations that include carefully annotated versions of each passage.


Biochemistry for the MCAT

Blueprint’s MCAT Biochemistry book provides you with all the information you need to master the biochemistry content found on the MCAT’s Chemical and Physical Foundations section and the Biological and Biochemical Foundations section. Additionally, 12 highly-realistic MCAT-style passages and 180 practice questions are available online, which include thorough explanations that include carefully annotated versions of each passage.


Biology for the MCAT

Blueprint’s MCAT Biology Review book includes thorough coverage of the full scope of MCAT biology content. Additionally, 12 highly-realistic MCAT-style passages and 180 practice questions are available online, which include thorough explanations that include carefully annotated versions of each passage.


Princeton Review MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Review, 3rd Edition: Complete CARS Content Prep + Practice Tests

Inside this book, you’ll find proven strategies for tackling and overcoming challenging questions, along with all the practice you need to help get the score you want.


Princeton Review MCAT Organic Chemistry Review, 4th Edition: Complete Content Prep + Practice Tests

The Princeton Review’s MCAT® Organic Chemistry Review brings you everything you need to ace the organic chemistry concepts found on the MCAT, including thorough subject reviews, example practice questions with step-by-step explanations, hundreds of practice problems, and 3 full-length practice tests. Inside this book, you’ll find proven strategies for tackling and overcoming challenging questions, along with all the practice you need to help get the score you want.


MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2021-2022 (Kaplan Test Prep)

As stated by the Author: "Kaplan's MCAT Organic Chemistry Review 2021-2022 offers an expert study plan, detailed subject review, and hundreds of online and in-book practice questions – all authored by the experts behind the MCAT prep course that has helped more people get into medical school than all other major courses combined."


ExamKrackers Biology 2: Systems (9th ed.)

EK Biology 2 covers the hard facts you need to know for the MCAT, but does not delve into enough detail for those seeing the material for the first time. Recommended if you have a moderate to strong base in Biology, as a supplement to a bulkier review book, or if you have little time to study for the MCAT.


Kaplan Biology (2nd ed.)

Kaplan Bio does a good job of covering the subject in depth, but lacks the full practice experience unless you purchase the entire online course. The discretes at the end of the chapter are good for content retention, but do not closely mimic discretes on the actual MCAT. This last fact goes for the entirety of Kaplan's 7-subject review set.


The Princeton Review Biology (2nd ed.)

One of the bulkier texts that will cover content needed to do well on this portion of the exam. Contains good passages and practice exams to help retain content, must differ slightly from the style of the AAMC.TPR's full resource packages include thousands of practice passages and questions, as well as full lengths. Good if you have the funds to purchase complete online access, and the time to do extensive content review.


NextStep Biology and Biochemistry: Content Review (2014)

NS Bio/Biochem is very technical in terms of research based content, but lacks the cohesiveness of some of the bigger testprep companies when it comes to organizing and presenting material in a teachable and holistic manner. Would recommend incorporating additional resources to ensure fundamental understanding of the material.


NextStep Biology and Biochemistry: Strategy and Practice (2014)

Good for getting some practice down in Bio/Biochem, but would upgrade to newer materials for content review


AAMC Official MCAT Biology Question Pack, Volume 1

Many argue the section banks are even more valuable than the AAMC exams itself. These provide 120 questions per section, so defintely get this if you can. Nothing beats material from the test maker


AAMC Official MCAT Biology Question Pack, Volume 2

Many argue the section banks are even more valuable than the AAMC exams itself. These provide 120 questions per section, so defintely get this if you can. Nothing beats material from the test maker


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Organ Systems

Reading the passages help reinforce science concepts, as well as reasoning through the questions. Would recommend doing as many as possible, but focus more on their Psyc/Soc section, which is their very best and covers all the terms you need to know on the MCAT. Moreover, KA has separated each section by the AAMC outline of foundational concepts, so defintely use this to gauge how well you understand each concept.


NextStep Biology and Biochemistry: Content Review (2016)

Not entirely comprehensive in terms of content review, would supplement with either media or a heavier text. Succinct. NS has great practice exams, however, at unbeatable prices, so definitely check them out!


Khan Academy Bio/Biochem PBQs

KA's B/b provides figures and wording similar to the MCAT, and is a great resource to gauge your understanding of the concepts tested on the MCAT. Defintely recommended to do a number of these passages, which also help with content review.


ExamKrackers Biology 2: Systems (10th ed.)

ExamKracker's latest in MCAT preparation, and they do not dissapoint! This is essential if you're cramming for the exam in <40 days (which we do not recommend), and want to review all the high-yield topics in an efficient manner. They include 24 in chapter lecture problems as well as a 30 minute exam for each lecture. This is the hallmark of EK--they consolidate the concepts by asking you questions that make you think critically, and it works. Biology 2 focuses on the organ systems and cell biology aspects of the exam.


Kaplan MCAT Biology Review 2019-2020

Note from the Author: "Kaplan's MCAT Biology Review 2019-2020 offers an expert study plan, detailed subject review, and hundreds of online and in-book practice questions – all authored by the experts behind the MCAT prep course that has helped more people get into medical school than all other major courses combined."


Princeton Review MCAT Biology Review, 3rd Edition: Complete Content Prep + Practice Tests

Inside this book, you’ll find proven strategies for tackling and overcoming challenging questions, along with all the practice you need to help get the score you want.


The Berkeley Review (TBR) MCAT Biology Part I & II

Contains the relevant information to succeed on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Syetems section of the MCAT.

General Chemistry

ExamKrackers Chemistry (9th ed.)

EK Chemistry teaches you all the organic and general chemistry concepts on the MCAT, but does not attempt to incorporate a holistic understanding of all topics covered. Great if you need light to moderate review of the topics, but not if you need to extensively review the subject. Recommended as a secondary content review resource, primary if you if a good grasp of the subject already.


Kaplan General Chemistry (2nd ed.)

Extensive coverage of every GC concept you will need to know for the exam, and more. A good bulky text for content review. The discretes at the end of the chapter are good for content retention, but do not closely mimic discretes on the actual MCAT. This last fact goes for the entirety of Kaplan's 7-subject review set.


The Princeton Review General Chemistry (3rd ed.)

TPR Gen Chem will cover all of the content you need to know for the exam, in depth. TPR's full resource packages include thousands of practice passages and questions, as well as full lengths. Good if you have the funds to purchase complete online access.


NextStep Chemistry and Organic Chemistry: Content Review (2014)

One of their better content review books, however many students have suggested they split Gen Chem and OChem into two different books, so that it is easier to read and outline the material. Would recommend pursuing additional resources to fill in any knowledge gaps.


NextStep Chemistry and Physics: Strategy and Practice (2014)

Good for practicing Chem/Phys type questions. Would upgrade to newer materials for content review


ExamKrackers 1001 Questions in MCAT Chemistry

Good practice, however use your time wisely. Every 3rd question in the 1001 will test a different concept, so it may not be the best strategy to do every single question in the book, unless you have the time. Watch out for errors!


AAMC Official MCAT Chemistry Question Pack

Many argue the section banks are even more valuable than the AAMC exams itself. These provide 120 questions per section, so defintely get this if you can. Nothing beats material from the test maker


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Chemical Processes General Chemistry

Reading the passages help reinforce science concepts, as well as reasoning through the questions. Would recommend doing as many as possible, but focus more on their Psyc/Soc section, which is their very best and covers all the terms you need to know on the MCAT. Moreover, KA has separated each section by the AAMC outline of foundational concepts, so defintely use this to gauge how well you understand each concept.


NextStep Chemistry and Organic Chemistry: Content Review (2016)

Not entirely comprehensive in terms of content review, would supplement with either media or a heavier text. Succinct. NS has great practice exams, however, at unbeatable prices, so definitely check them out!


Barron's New MCAT (2nd ed.)

Barron's is a household name in standardized test prep, but fails to deliver for the MCAT. It's a good supplementary resource and gives solid content review, but it's practice tests are few and flawed. If using primarily for content review, supplement with secondary resources.


Khan Academy Chem/Phys PBQs

KA's C/P is heavy on calculations, oftentimes going beyond the scope of the MCAT, but is good for reinforcing foundational concepts in chemistry and physics. If you can't solve many of the problems, don't fret, because you most likely won't find problems of that difficulty on the exam. Not a bad idea to do some problems, but do not focus too much time here, because the MCAT contains far less C/P questions than it once did.


ExamKrackers Chemistry (10th ed.)

ExamKracker's latest in MCAT preparation, and they do not dissapoint! This is essential if you're cramming for the exam in <60 days, and want to review all the high-yield topics in an efficient manner. They include 24 in chapter lecture problems as well as a 30 minute exam for each lecture. This is the hallmark of EK--they consolidate the concepts by asking you questions that make you think critically, and it works. Chemistry includes Organic Chemistry, and a plethora of practice questions that make sure you get these concepts down. Even if you do not have time to read the lectures, do the practice problems, since that is what will make the material stick more than anything else.


Princeton Review MCAT General Chemistry Review, 4th Edition: Complete Content Prep + Practice Tests

The Princeton Review’s MCAT® General Chemistry Review brings you everything you need to ace the gen-chem concepts found on the MCAT, including thorough subject reviews, example practice questions with step-by-step explanations, hundreds of practice problems, and 3 full-length practice tests. Inside this book, you’ll find proven strategies for tackling and overcoming challenging questions, along with all the practice you need to help get the score you want.


The Berkeley Review (TBR) MCAT General Chemistry Parts I & II

Contains the relevant information to succeed on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems section of the MCAT.

Organic Chemistry

Kaplan Organic Chemistry (2nd ed.)

Organic Chemistry is bane of many pre-med's undergraduate experience, but Kaplan does a good job reviewing what you need to know for the exam, but more importantly, why things react the way they react. The discretes at the end of the chapter are good for content retention, but do not closely mimic discretes on the actual MCAT. This last fact goes for the entirety of Kaplan's 7-subject review set.


The Princeton Review Organic Chemistry (3rd ed.)

TPR Organic Chem analyzes extensively each concept you need to know for test day, and more. TPR's full resource packages include thousands of practice passages and questions, as well as full lengths. Good if you have the funds to purchase complete online access.


ExamKrackers 1001 Questions in MCAT Organic Chemistry

Good practice. Introduces you to MCAT-like ochem questions. Watch out for errors


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Chemical Processes Organic Chemistry

Reading the passages help reinforce science concepts, as well as reasoning through the questions. Would recommend doing as many as possible, but focus more on their Psyc/Soc section, which is their very best and covers all the terms you need to know on the MCAT. Moreover, KA has separated each section by the AAMC outline of foundational concepts, so defintely use this to gauge how well you understand each concept.


The Berkeley Review (TBR) MCAT Organic Chemistry Parts I & II

Contains the relevant information to succeed on both the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems and the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems section of the MCAT.


ExamKrackers Physics (9th ed.)

EK Physics will help you memorize the formulas you need to know to solve the vast majority of problems on the MCAT, but does not attempt to synthesize the materials in a way in which the reader can reason through physics concepts. Adequate if you need light to moderate review of the topics, but not if you need to extensively review the subject. Recommended as a secondary content review resource, primary if you if a good grasp of the subject already.


Kaplan Physics and Math (2nd ed.)

Kaplan Physics will teach you every formula you need to know for the MCAT, and then some. Good for someone learning the material for the first time, or who needs to do heavy content review. The calculations in some of the in-text questions and discretes are beyond the scope of the MCAT, but nevertheless do a good job on preparing you for the calculations you will need to do on the exam. The discretes at the end of the chapter are good for content retention, but do not closely mimic discretes on the actual MCAT. This last fact goes for the entirety of Kaplan's 7-subject review set.


The Princeton Review Physics and Math (3rd ed.)

TPR Physics will teach you all the physics concepts you should know for test day, and then some. TPR's full resource packages include thousands of practice passages and questions, as well as full lengths. Good if you have the funds to purchase complete online access.


NextStep Physics and Math: Content Review (2014)

NS Phys/Math teaches you all the math tricks you need to know for the exam, but goes far beyond the scope of the MCAT with regards to Physics. Good if your knowledge base is weak, but some of the calculations are more difficult than what many have encountered on the official exam.


ExamKrackers 1001 Questions in MCAT Physics

Despite its publication date, probably one of the best package of physics practice problems on the market. Defintely a must-buy if physics is your weak point, and you want to drill in how to do various physics problems


AAMC Official MCAT Physics Question Pack

Many argue the section banks are even more valuable than the AAMC exams itself. These provide 120 questions per section, so defintely get this if you can. Nothing beats material from the test maker


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Physical Processes

Reading the passages help reinforce science concepts, as well as reasoning through the questions. Would recommend doing as many as possible, but focus more on their Psyc/Soc section, which is their very best and covers all the terms you need to know on the MCAT. Moreover, KA has separated each section by the AAMC outline of foundational concepts, so defintely use this to gauge how well you understand each concept.


NextStep Physics and Math: Content Review (2016)

Not entirely comprehensive in terms of content review, would supplement with either media or a heavier text. Succinct. NS has great practice exams, however, at unbeatable prices, so definitely check them out!


ExamKrackers Physics (10th ed.)

ExamKracker's latest in MCAT preparation, and they do not dissapoint! This is essential if you're cramming for the exam in <60 days, and want to review all the high-yield topics in an efficient manner. They include 24 in chapter lecture problems as well as a 30 minute exam for each lecture. This is the hallmark of EK--they consolidate the concepts by asking you questions that make you think critically, and it works. Physics will give you all the formulas you'll need for test day, but not delve on the topics you may or may not need a deep understanding though. Questions are tricky, but help consolidate the matieral.


Kaplan MCAT Physics and Math Review 2019-2020

Note from the Author: "Kaplan's MCAT Physics and Math Review 2019-2020 offers an expert study plan, detailed subject review, and hundreds of online and in-book practice questions – all authored by the experts behind the MCAT prep course that has helped more people get into medical school than all other major courses combined."


Princeton Review MCAT Physics and Math Review, 4th Edition: Complete Content Prep + Practice Tests

The Princeton Review’s MCAT® Physics and Math Review brings you everything you need to ace the physics and math concepts found on the MCAT, including thorough subject reviews, example practice questions with step-by-step explanations, hundreds of practice problems, and 3 full-length practice tests. Inside this book, you’ll find proven strategies for tackling and overcoming challenging questions, along with all the practice you need to help get the score you want.


The Berkeley Review (TBR) MCAT Physics Parts I & II

Contains the relevant information to succeed on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems section of the MCAT.

Behavioral Sciences

ExamKrackers Psychology & Sociology (9th ed.)

EK Psyc/Soc, as you probably guessed, teaches the bare necessities (no pun intended) for the MCAT. If Psyc/Soc is your weakest subject, it's recommended you find a bulkier text to supplement with.


Kaplan Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.)

Kaplan's Psyc/Soc is their weakest book, and generally will not cover all the terms students will encounter during MCAT. It does a good job providing a schema for the types of questions asked, however, it's recommended you supplement with Khan Academy, or some other resource to ensure you cover all the vocabulary.


The Princeton Review Psychology and Sociology (2nd ed.)

TPR Pysc/Soc does a better job then Kaplan at covering terms you need to know for the exam, however it is recommended you supplment with KA videos.


NextStep Psychology and Sociology: Content Review (2014)

NS smartly chose to make their best section the newest section on the MCAT. Their Psyc/Soc unit will cover most, if not all of the terms on the MCAT. Since this section contains the most terminology to memorize, it's always recommended you supplement with KA videos


The Berkeley Review Psychology (2015)

TBR is known for its extensive content review, and this psyc/soc text does not fail to deliver, including many of the concepts and vocabulary some of the other big testprep companies fail to include. Not a bad idea to supplement with KA videos


NextStep Psychology and Sociology: Strategy and Practice (2014)

NS makes great practice exams, but need to revamp their strategy books. This one is good for getting the general layout of the P/S section, but should defintely be supplemented with other texts and media.


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Social Inequality

Reading the passages help reinforce science concepts, as well as reasoning through the questions. Would recommend doing as many as possible, but focus more on their Psyc/Soc section, which is their very best and covers all the terms you need to know on the MCAT. Moreover, KA has separated each section by the AAMC outline of foundational concepts, so defintely use this to gauge how well you understand each concept.


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Society and Culture

Reading the passages help reinforce science concepts, as well as reasoning through the questions. Would recommend doing as many as possible, but focus more on their Psyc/Soc section, which is their very best and covers all the terms you need to know on the MCAT. Moreover, KA has separated each section by the AAMC outline of foundational concepts, so defintely use this to gauge how well you understand each concept.


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Behavior

Reading the passages help reinforce science concepts, as well as reasoning through the questions. Would recommend doing as many as possible, but focus more on their Psyc/Soc section, which is their very best and covers all the terms you need to know on the MCAT. Moreover, KA has separated each section by the AAMC outline of foundational concepts, so defintely use this to gauge how well you understand each concept.


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Individuals and Society

Reading the passages help reinforce science concepts, as well as reasoning through the questions. Would recommend doing as many as possible, but focus more on their Psyc/Soc section, which is their very best and covers all the terms you need to know on the MCAT. Moreover, KA has separated each section by the AAMC outline of foundational concepts, so defintely use this to gauge how well you understand each concept.


Khan Academy MCAT Test Prep Videos: Processing the environment

Reading the passages help reinforce science concepts, as well as reasoning through the questions. Would recommend doing as many as possible, but focus more on their Psyc/Soc section, which is their very best and covers all the terms you need to know on the MCAT. Moreover, KA has separated each section by the AAMC outline of foundational concepts, so defintely use this to gauge how well you understand each concept.


NextStep Psychology and Sociology: Content Review (2016)

Not entirely comprehensive in terms of content review, would supplement with either media or a heavier text. Succinct. NS has great practice exams, however, at unbeatable prices, so definitely check them out!


Khan Academy Psyc/Soc PBQs

This is by far the best resource out there to help consolidate new concepts and terms on the Psyc/Soc section. It is essential you do as many as these as you can! Look up any terms you do know or watch KA videos. This is the perfect supplement to a psyc/soc review text. Seriously, do them all (if you can)!


ExamKrackers Psychology & Sociology (10th ed.)

ExamKracker's latest in MCAT preparation, and they do not dissapoint! This is essential if you're cramming for the exam in <60 days, and want to review all the high-yield topics in an efficient manner. They include 24 in chapter lecture problems as well as a 30 minute exam for each lecture. This is the hallmark of EK--they consolidate the concepts by asking you questions that make you think critically, and it works. Psyc/Soc will show you most of the terms you can expect to see on the exam, and hammers in how they all interface with AAMC-style multiple choice questions. This book is only 115 pages, and contains many of the terms you can expect to see on test day, so read it cover to cover, non-negotiable.


Kaplan MCAT Behavioral Sciences Review 2019 - 2020

Note from the Author: "Kaplan's MCAT Behavioral Sciences Review 2019-2020 offers an expert study plan, detailed subject review, and hundreds of online and in-book practice questions – all authored by the experts behind the MCAT prep course that has helped more people get into medical school than all other major courses combined."


Princeton Review MCAT Psychology and Sociology Review, 4th Edition: Complete Behavioral Sciences Content Prep + Practice Tests

The Princeton Review’s MCAT Psychology and Sociology Review brings you everything you need to ace the Behavioral Sciences concepts on the MCAT, including a thorough content review and 3 full-length practice tests.


The Berkeley Review (TBR) MCAT Psychology

Contains relevant information to succeed on the Psychological Social and Biological Foundations of Behavior section of the MCAT.

Verbal Reasoning

ExamKrackers Reasoning Skills (9th ed.)

EK VR is analagous to the CARS section on the MCAT and, even though the name is outdated, the strategies are not. This book does a good job covering wrong answer choices and how not to pick them during the exam.


The Princeton Review Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (1st ed.)

Teaches you how to think like the testmaker and learn how to dissect passages for the author's tone and the skills and strategies necessary for doing well on CARS. Note their practice passages are more difficult than the AAMCs, therefore they serve as good practice for learning how to quickly decipher the main point of the passage correctly. TPR's full resource packages include thousands of practice passages and questions, as well as full lengths. Good if you have the funds to purchase complete online access. Would recommend over Kaplan's CARS book


NextStep Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills: Strategy and Practice (2014)

NS CARS practice passages are much longer, and a tad bit more convoluted, than you would typically find on the AAMC MCAT.


NextStep Verbal Practice: 108 Passages (2014)

A little outdated, but gets you acquainted to reading long and detailed passages. Supplement with other material.


ExamKrackers 101 Passages in MCAT Verbal Reasoning

Despite it being outdated, still a great resource for learning how to tackle the CARS section on the MCAT. Focuses heavily on tricker questions, so it may be prudent to have several other resources that focus on the basics.


Khan Academy CARS PBQs

KA's CARS are generally easier than what you would expect to see on the MCAT in terms of question diffuclty and average passage length. Regardless, this is a free resource that provides good practice. Recommend starting out CARS practice doing a number of these passages


MCAT Verbal Practice: 108 Passages for the New CARS Section (More MCAT Practice) 3rd Edition

Ns's latest edition of CARS practice. Some passages are good, some are not as representative of the AAMC's style of question. Not an essential buy, but defintely be incredibly useful if you're looking to hammer out some CARS practice, especially if you've completed most of the resources that you have at your disposal.


ExamKrackers Reasoning Skills (10th ed.)

ExamKracker's latest in MCAT preparation, and they do not dissapoint! This is essential if you're cramming for the exam in <60 days, and want to review all the high-yield topics in an efficient manner. They include 24 in chapter lecture problems as well as a 30 minute exam for each lecture. This is the hallmark of EK--they consolidate the concepts by asking you questions that make you think critically, and it works. Reasoning Skills focuses on interpretating graphs, math-magic, and how to grasp the author's tone in each passage, since 90% of the questions will revolve around the main idea and/or the author's tone. It's short, so supplement with other material if possible.

Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills

Kaplan Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (2nd ed.)

Kaplan CARS is invaluable for instructing on effecient test-taking strategies that triage passages for maximal points as well as wrong answer pathologies. However, that is essentially the appeal of this book. Once you understand how to properly employ their method, this book wastes energy on teaching formal logic and other superflous information that doesn't efficaciously enforce CARS practice. Practice passages, which one should do diligently everyday to improve CARS performance, are only included with the online resources tied to the purchase of the course.


AAMC Official MCAT CARS Question Pack, Volume 1

Many argue the section banks are even more valuable than the AAMC exams itself. These provide 120 questions per section, so defintely get this if you can. Nothing beats material from the test maker


AAMC Official MCAT CARS Question Pack, Volume 2

Many argue the section banks are even more valuable than the AAMC exams itself. These provide 120 questions per section, so defintely get this if you can. Nothing beats material from the test maker


Kaplan MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Review 2019 - 2020

Note from the Author: "Kaplan's MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Review 2019-2020 offers an expert study plan, detailed subject review, and hundreds of online and in-book practice questions – all authored by the experts behind the MCAT prep course that has helped more people get into medical school than all other major courses combined."


Reasoning: CARS & Science

Blueprint’s MCAT Reasoning: CARS and Science book presents an unparalleled, comprehensive review of the reasoning skills and strategies you need to successfully attack the Critical Analysis & Reasoning Skills passages on the MCAT, as well as the background in quantitative analysis and research techniques covered on all science sections of the exam.


The Berkeley Review (TBR) MCAT Critical Analysis & Reasoni

Contains relevant information to succeed on the Critical Analysis & Reasoning Skills (CARS) section of the MCAT.

Test Strategy

Kaplan MCAT 528: Advance Prep

Note from the Author: "Kaplan's MCAT 528 Advanced Prep 2019-2020 features thorough subject review, more questions than any competitor, and the highest-yield questions available – all authored by the experts behind the MCAT prep course that has helped more people get into medical school than all other major courses combined."

Multiple Subjects

Kaplan MCAT 528: Advanced Prep for Advanced Students (1st ed.)

K528 has relevant tips and tricks to help you overall, but this book lacks content and tailored practice to really consolidate all the concepts you need to know for the exam.


AAMC Official Sample Test

An ABSOLUTE must buy. Most AAMC materials are must buys. This is the closest thing to the actual MCAT you will get. Many students choose to take this 1-2 weeks before their exam, as a gauage as to how well they will score. It is not scored, so it's a little less valuable than the official scored one, however there are several scoring paradigms online


AAMC Official MCAT Practice Exam (Scored) 1

An ABSOLUTE must buy. Most AAMC materials are must buys. This is the closest thing to the actual MCAT you will get. Many students choose to take this 1-2 weeks before their exam, as a gauage as to how well they will score. This is scored, so take this like it's the real thing


AAMC MCAT Section Bank

Many argue the section banks are even more valuable than the AAMC exams itself. These provide 120 questions per section, so defintely get this if you can. Nothing beats material from the test maker


AAMC MCAT Official Guide 120 Questions

This is a compilation of question from the old MCATs, so it is not as powerful a tool as the newer AAMC materials, however it's invaluable to see how well you grasp AAMC concepts. Defintely grab it if you can.


ExamKrackers Test 1

Closer to the actual AAMC MCAT than Kaplan, TBR, and TPR. Just behind Altius and Next Step in terms of similarity to the MCAT. Slightly more difficult, still a valuable resource. Many claim the 3rd exam is the best of the 4. One thing to note is that their wrong answer explanations are a bit short.


ExamKrackers Test 2

Closer to the actual AAMC MCAT than Kaplan, TBR, and TPR. Just behind Altius and Next Step in terms of similarity to the MCAT. Slightly more difficult, still a valuable resource. Many claim the 3rd exam is the best of the 4. One thing to note is that their wrong answer explanations are a bit short.


ExamKrackers Test 3

Closer to the actual AAMC MCAT than Kaplan, TBR, and TPR. Just behind Altius and Next Step in terms of similarity to the MCAT. Slightly more difficult, still a valuable resource. Many claim the 3rd exam is the best of the 4. One thing to note is that their wrong answer explanations are a bit short.


ExamKrackers Test 4

Closer to the actual AAMC MCAT than Kaplan, TBR, and TPR. Just behind Altius and Next Step in terms of similarity to the MCAT. Slightly more difficult, still a valuable resource. Many claim the 3rd exam is the best of the 4. One thing to note is that their wrong answer explanations are a bit short.


NextStep 4 MCAT Bundle

Tied with Altius as the most representative practice exams for the new MCAT (save for the AAMC's) in terms of difficulty and feel of the questions. Defintely purchase at least 4, if possible.


NextStep 6 MCAT Bundle

Tied with Altius as the most representative practice exams for the new MCAT (save for the AAMC's) in terms of difficulty and feel of the questions. Defintely purchase at least 4, if possible.


NextStep 10 MCAT Bundle

Tied with Altius as the most representative practice exams for the new MCAT (save for the AAMC's) in terms of difficulty and feel of the questions. Defintely purchase at least 4, if possible.


NextStep Free 1/2 Length Diagnostic

Tied with Altius as the most representative practice exams for the new MCAT (save for the AAMC's) in terms of difficulty and feel of the questions. Defintely purchase at least 4, if possible.


The Berkeley Review 4 Full-Length CBT Bundle

Definitely one of the most difficult practice exams (tied with Kaplan). Not wholly representative of the MCAT, but the harder questions will make taking the AAMC exams feel like a breeze.


ExamKrackers 16 Mini MCATs

EK's mini-MCATS (M&Ms) provides an intriguing schedule in that you take "mini-exams" that give 2 passages worth of each subject, organized by chapter. Not a bad resource, especially if you schedule in taking one on a regular basis, however, many of the sections are outdated for the new MCAT exam, yet still provide good practice.


Kaplan MCAT 528: Advanced Prep for Advanced Students (2nd ed.)

Good for introducing you to the overall layout of the exam, and some general strategies, but not much else. Definitely not an essential buy


Altius Test Prep Practice Exams Package

Tied with NS as most representative practice exams currently out. Note some complain of duplicated passages, and the fact that you must buy all 10 practice exams at once, however, they have a free one.


UWorld MCAT Question Bank

UWorld’s authors are elite subject experts whose knowledge of the basic sciences, humanities, and social sciences is unparalleled. 90% of all medical students choose UWorld to prepare for the USMLE board exams, making UWorld the #1 Question bank resource for physicians. The UWorld MCAT Qbank is designed using the same proven methods to help you master the MCAT and begin your medical journey. With over 800 high-quality MCAT questions and in-depth answer explanations, UWorld MCAT is everything you need to master all MCAT subjects.

Psychology & Sociology

Psychology & Sociology for the MCAT

Blueprint’s MCAT Psychology and Sociology review book includes all of the content and practice you need to master this section of the MCAT. Additionally, 12 highly-realistic MCAT-style passages and 180 practice questions are available online, which include thorough explanations that include carefully annotated versions of each passage.
